Month: January 2023

The Cinnamon Blowing RitualThe Cinnamon Blowing Ritual

While cinnamon blowing ritual  is best known as a delicious spice that makes the perfect addition to baked goods, it has also been used for millennia as a spiritual and medicinal ingredient. Its esoteric and magical properties have made it a powerful force in the universe, attracting abundance and prosperity for centuries.

If you’re a person who believes in the power of the universe and is open to allowing it to help you manifest what you desire, then this simple, yet effective ritual will be something you want to incorporate into your monthly routine. This particular ritual is often done on the first day of the month, because it is considered a time for new beginnings and fresh energy.

Scented Spells: Harnessing the Power of Cinnamon in Your Spiritual Practices

To perform this ritual, simply take a generous pinch of ground cinnamon (available at Walmart) in the palm of your hand and blow it over your front door and into your entryway. Repeat this step as many times as you like until you feel a sense of positivity and abundance wash over you. It’s recommended to leave the cinnamon where it landed for at least 24 hours so that the positive energies can settle into your space. If you wish, you can even sweep it into a dustpan and empty it outside in a garden or somewhere similar so that the earth can naturally absorb the energies.

Another way to enhance the power of this ritual is by verbally declaring your intention out loud while performing it. Say something like, “I declare this home filled with wealth, good fortune and abundance,” or whatever affirmation you prefer to use. This can help make the energy that surrounds you even more powerful, especially when paired with other rituals and practices, such as working with the moon’s cycle or speaking your intention out to the universe at random times.