GIF Mashup blog How to Use a CBD Balm For Pain

How to Use a CBD Balm For Pain

CBD balm for pain

From first-timer joggers to full-time gym fanatics, everyone knows the feeling of post-workout sore muscles. Whether your workout caused microscopic tears to muscle fibers or you simply overdid it, the pain and stiffness is unavoidable. While icing, heating pads and electrolyte infusions can all help ease the discomfort, the best treatment is a topical product like CBD balm for pain.

CBD is a powerful, non-psychoactive compound that works to stimulate your body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), your internal “pit crew” that helps keep your body operating at its best. A CBD rub containing hemp is a convenient way to deliver your ECS’s power right to the affected area.

Relief in Every Application: CBD Balm for Pain

Applying a balm to the skin is easy, and it is usually advised to warm it up in your hands before use. This will help to soften the balm and make it easier to scoop out. Once you have a fingertip full of balm, gently glide it across the desired area of your body that is aching. Many of the products available have extra ingredients such as camphor and menthol, which offer an extra-strength massage experience.

You will often find that the balm is absorbed immediately after being applied, and your discomfort may dissipate within minutes. If you find that it takes a little longer to feel the effects, don’t worry, this is normal as it can take time for your skin to absorb the nutrients. If the aches and pains are persistent, apply more of the product as needed.

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